School of Prophets

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This is School of Prophets anywhere in the world. Students have access to extensive and immersive teaching, equipping and activations from our team and varied guest speakers. Each student is assigned an Online Small Group & Online Small Group Leader. Each week is intentionally designed to give each student an immersive experience not matter where they are in the world, that include lectures, activations, coaching & small group interactions.


This is the home base of School of Prophets. Based in Melbourne, Australia, students gather weekly to be equipped & empowered by our team and varied guest speakers. Each student is assigned a Small Group & Small Group Leader. Each week is intentionally designed to give each student an immersive experience that includes lectures, activations, coaching & small group interactions.


These are School of Prophets on location for those not based in Melbourne but live in Brisbane and Perth. Each Hub is facilitated by our SOP Hub Pastors. Students gather weekly to be equipped & empowered by our team and varied guest speakers via streamed content from our In-house School. Each student is assigned a Small Group & Small Group Leader. Each week is intentionally designed to give each student an immersive experience that include lectures, activations & small group interactions.


  • For further information on payment plans, please refer to the 'Tuition Fees' section in our Course Guide.